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How to maintain your air source heat pump

Air source heat pumps (ASHPs) are a cost-effective and environmentally friendly heating option that lowers carbon emissions while producing consistent warmth. Regular maintenance is crucial to ensuring your ASHP keeps performing at its peak. The following are some crucial pointers to help you preserve and increase the lifespan of your air source heat pump.

You can also speak with a heating engineer in Rotherham, Sheffield, Yorkshire, and the surrounding areas by calling us on 01909 290778.

how to maintain air source heat pumps

1. Keep the outside Unit Clear

For your ASHP to operate effectively, there must be sufficient airflow through the outside unit. To avoid obstructing airflow, regularly inspect the area for any debris, such as branches, leaves, or other impediments, and remove them. To allow for adequate ventilation, make sure the area surrounding the outdoor unit is clutter-free.

2. Replace or clean your air filters

Your ASHP can become less efficient due to airflow restrictions caused by dirty or clogged air filters. Every three to six months, or more frequently if necessary, check and clean the air filters. This easy maintenance procedure can help your ASHP operate better and save your energy costs.

3. Check and Wipe Out Coils

Over time, dirt and debris can build up on the coils of your ASHP's interior and outdoor units, reducing the efficiency of heat transfer. Periodically check the coils and use a soft brush or Hoover to clean them if needed. To prevent mishaps, make sure the equipment is powered off before cleaning.

4. Verify the Refrigerant Levels

A proper refrigerant level is essential to your ASHP's best performance. Reduced heating or cooling efficiency could be a sign of low refrigerant levels or a leak. If the refrigerant has to be replenished, have it inspected by a qualified technician. Handling refrigerants calls for specific training and tools.

5. Examine the electrical parts

Make sure to periodically inspect the wiring, connections, and controls on your ASHP for any indications of wear or damage. Corroded or loose connections might cause electrical problems and impair your system's functionality. Make quick repairs by getting in touch with a qualified expert as soon as you discover any issues.

6. Arrange for expert maintenance

Although you can do some maintenance chores on your own, it's crucial to plan yearly expert maintenance for your ASHP. Your system may be properly inspected and tuned up by a competent technician, who can also ensure that it continues to function securely and effectively by seeing any possible problems early on.

You can keep your air source heat pump in optimal condition and take advantage of dependable, cost-effective heating for many years to come by adhering to these maintenance recommendations and scheduling routine expert servicing. Maintaining your ASHP minimises energy costs and lessens your environmental effect while extending its lifespan and optimising its efficiency. 

For maintenance services, speak with one of our heating engineers in Yorkshire, Sheffield, and Rotherham by calling 01909 290778 or filling out our contact form.