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Underfloor Heating: FAQs

Underfloor heating is rapidly becoming a popular choice for homeowners seeking a luxurious and energy-efficient way to heat their homes. But with so many questions swirling around this technology, it's natural to feel a bit overwhelmed. Here at Thermodynamics South Yorkshire Ltd, we're here to shed light on some of the most frequently asked questions about underfloor heating.

underfloor heating rotherham

1. What are the different types of underfloor heating?

Underfloor heating comes in two main varieties:

Wet: This system utilises a network of pipes installed beneath the floor. Hot water, heated by your boiler, circulates through these pipes, warming the floor surface.

Electric: This system uses electric cables embedded within the floor structure. These cables generate heat directly, radiating warmth upwards.

2. Is underfloor heating suitable for all types of flooring?

While it can work with most floor coverings, some considerations exist. Here's a quick breakdown:

Tiled Floors: Excellent choice for underfloor heating due to their high thermal conductivity, ensuring efficient heat transfer.

Stone Floors: Similar to tiles, stone floors offer good heat conductivity and work well with underfloor heating.

Wooden Floors: Solid wood floors can be used with underfloor heating, but specific wood types and installation methods are crucial to prevent warping. Engineered wood flooring is generally a safer option.

Carpeted Floors: While possible, carpets can act as an insulator, reducing the effectiveness of underfloor heating. Opt for thin carpets with a high thermal resistance for better heat transfer.

3. Is underfloor heating expensive to run?

While the initial investment might be higher, underfloor heating systems are designed to operate efficiently. The lower operating temperature compared to radiators and the efficient heat distribution can lead to lower energy bills in the long term. Additionally, some underfloor heating systems can be programmed with timers and thermostats for optimal control and energy savings.

4. Does underfloor heating take a long time to heat up?

Underfloor heating systems take longer to reach peak temperature compared to radiators. However, they excel at retaining heat for extended periods. This means you might not feel the immediate warmth upon switching it on, but your home will stay comfortably warm for longer periods, resulting in a more consistent and energy-efficient heating experience.

5. Can underfloor heating be installed in existing homes?

Underfloor heating can be installed in both new builds and existing homes. However, the installation process in existing homes might be slightly more complex depending on the floor structure and existing heating system.

Get free quote for underfloor heating installation

If you're considering underfloor heating for your home, contact us today! We offer free, no-obligation consultations to assess your needs, discuss your options, and provide a tailored quote for underfloor heating installation in your home.

You can contact us at 01909 290778 or send us a message through our online contact form.